Organize Multiple Meetings at Once,
Keep Every Conversation on Track

Effortlessly manage and navigate multiple meetings simultaneously from single window. ensuring all your discussions stay organized and easily accessible.

This feature allows you to keep all your discussions neatly organized and ensures you can quickly switch between them without missing a beat.

Auto-Enabled Video and Audio for
Effortless Meeting Flow

When you join one of your Multi-Meetings, video and audio are automatically enabled, ensuring you're ready to engage immediately.

This feature streamlines meeting starts by removing the need to adjust settings.

Just click to join, and you're instantly connected, facilitating uninterrupted communication.

Fine-Tune Your Meeting's Look
and Sound

No matter which meeting rooms you activate, you're in control.

Select the speaker you want to see on your screen and hear, or view and hear everyone attending by simply clicking on the respective meeting room.


Use Cases For Multi-Meeting Room


Effortlessly Manage Parallel Workshops and Trainings

Switching between sessions improves dynamic interactions, crucial for professionals who manage multiple meetings simultaneously.

For example, in a corporate training environment, facilitators utilize this feature to conduct parallel workshops and trainings, effortlessly moving between sessions to interact and engage with participants.

This capability ensures a continuous, focused exchange of ideas, mimicking the fluidity of moving between physical rooms without the disruptions of a virtual environment.

Boost Cross-Functional Collaboration

Baasi's Multi-Meeting Room feature empowers cross-functional teams to collaborate seamlessly and efficiently across different departments and projects.

For example, in a fast-paced startup environment, the Multi-Meeting Room feature allows product managers, designers, and developers to work together in real-time, ensuring a smooth flow of information and quick decision-making.

Designers can swiftly switch between meetings to gather feedback from different stakeholders, while product managers can effortlessly move between sessions to ensure all teams are aligned on project goals and timelines.

Ready to elevate your meeting Experience with Multi-Meeting room?

You can elevate your meetings to the next level with our Multi-Meeting Rooms feature! Eliminate the stress of managing multiple meetings and streamline your communication for maximum efficiency. Sign up now to be the first to experience this game-changing feature when it becomes available. Don't miss out on the future of efficient and streamlined meetings - reserve your spot today!

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